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Cantus Firmus mensurations

Posted: 07 Aug 2024 21:27
by CMMetz
Hey there, everyone! Christopher Metz here; I've been working on some editions of music from manuscript sources for a few years now and have come across a few movements or sections where the cantus firmus doesn't seem to line up with the voices around it. Usually, I'm able to work out an augmentation solution, and the music lines up again, but there are two instances in which I seem to be stuck.

One instance is Obrecht's Missa de Nativitate S. Joannis Baptistae; I haven't even been able to get started with this one and have tried a few different approaches. This mass is found at and begins on folio 49r.

The other one is the final Agnus Dei of the anonymous Missa de Septem Doloribus a4 from beginning on folio 20v.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know! If you aren't able to find or access the manuscripts, let me know and I can send over some screenshots.

Thanks, everyone!
