Madrigals and Partsongs Set in Chinese

CPDL topics that don't fit in the other categories
Posts: 3
Joined: 03 Feb 2024 10:37

Madrigals and Partsongs Set in Chinese

Post by Hunalei »

Dear all,
I've just registered today. However, I've been using CPDL for years.
I've been, and still am, an avid choral singer. The reason I've finally registered is that I've started setting madrigals and part-songs in Chinese. It is very easy nowadays to do a computer translation of any verses into Chinese, but these translations are not singable. Meanwhile, it is simply too difficult for most of Chinese amateur choirs to sing madrigals in the original language setting. I believe that's those beautiful and intricate songs will be performed more widely in China and/or Taiwan if some Chinese versions are available.
My current outputs are in pdf, made virtually by inserting Chinese characters into pdf song scores downloaded from CPDL or IMSLP.
I would be grateful if someone can let me know if it's possible to make my pdf files accessible in CPDL.
I'd be also delighted if there are someone out there who share my passion and would like to work together with me on this project.
Thanks in advance!
Na-Lei HU
Posts: 172
Joined: 24 Apr 2007 14:42

Re: Madrigals and Partsongs Set in Chinese

Post by Cdalitz »

It is a pity that noone has answered so far. This might be due to the fact that CPDL has no support for translations: there is not even a systematic way to specify meta information about a translation like, e.g., the translator, publication year, copyright status etc.

This should not prevent you, however, to post editions with your own translations, which certainly will be welcomed by ensembles speaking Chinese. As a workaround for CPDL's lack of support for translations, you must add all the meta information as free text (e.g. set in italics) on the work page. Most notably, please add the author of the translation and its copyright terms. And you should also give this information in the edition, because most users will use CPDL only as a file server and no longer look at the work page after downloading the music.
Posts: 3
Joined: 03 Feb 2024 10:37

Re: Madrigals and Partsongs Set in Chinese

Post by Hunalei »

Very grateful for the response from Cdalitz. It gives me the courage to try to post my translation on CPDL, and made it myself today!!! I'm so happy that I can't resist the temptation to share the link here: ... a%C3%ABns)

More will come for sure.